Properly measuring forklift forks is crucial to ensure the safe and efficient operation of your forklift. Incorrectly sized forks can lead to instability, reduced load capacity, and potentially dangerous situations. Follow these steps to accurately measure your forklift forks:
Step 1: Determine the Fork Type
First, identify the type of forks on your forklift. The most common types are:
- ITA (International ISO)
- ITC (Forklift)
- Shaft mounted
The fork type will impact the specific measurements you need to take.

Step 2: Measure the Fork Length
Fork length is measured from the fork tip to the back of the fork shank or heel. To get an accurate measurement:
- Lay the fork flat on a level surface.
- Using a tape measure, start at the tip of the fork blade and measure in a straight line to the back of the shank or heel.
- Record the measurement in inches or millimeters.
Step 3: Measure the Fork Width
Fork width is measured across the widest part of the fork blade. To measure:
- With the fork still lying flat, place the tape measure perpendicular to the length of the fork at the widest point.
- Record the width measurement.
Step 4: Measure the Fork Thickness
Fork thickness is measured at the heel of the fork:
- Place the tape measure on the top of the fork heel and measure down to the bottom surface.
- Record the thickness measurement.
Step 5: Measure the Fork Blade Height
The height of the fork blades should also be measured:
- Stand the fork up on a level surface resting on its heel.
- Measure from the bottom of the heel to the top of the fork blade.
- Record the height measurement.
Step 6: Check Fork Spacing
Finally, check the spacing between the forks:
- With the forks attached on the forklift, measure the inside dimension from the edge of one fork to the inside edge of the other fork.
- Record this fork spacing or width of opening.
With these key fork measurements – length, width, thickness, height, and spacing – you can ensure you have the properly sized forks for your forklift make and model. Always consult the forklift manufacturer’s specifications to verify the recommended fork dimensions for safe operation and optimal lifting capacity.
Regular measurement of your forklift forks will allow you to identify wear and tear over time, indicating when fork replacement may be needed to maintain a safe and productive work environment.